Sunday, September 22, 2013

Katie Couric The Best Advice I Ever Got: Lessons from Extraordinary Lives

As an aspiring journalist I feel that there is many people I look up to whether it be for inspiration or to model my work after. Since I was little I have watched morning talk shows with my mom. She would run around the house getting things ready for the day as I sat at watched, eyes glued, to The Today Show while I quickly ate my cereal.

I always admired Katie Couric and still to this day admire her. She is a shining example of the type of journalist I strive to be one day. Katie Couric is such a strong woman and lives her life with so much grace. I loved how in Katie Courics book she talks about her normal middle class family in a normal suburban life. I really relate to this. I have had a life a lot life Katie's full of love and family. Sure not every moment of my life has been shiny. My parents have encountered their fair share of hardships. However, one thing I can say for sure is that thoughout all the hardships our love for one another was always there.

Throughout Katie Courics book she gives the reader insight on to some of the best advice she has ever received and I really took to heart a lot of the advice.

For any aspring Journalist this book is a must read!

Stay fabulous

Priscilla <3

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Bennu Meets Hoboken Pie

Yes. I. Have. An. Obsession. With. Food. 

I love everything about it. They way it looks the way it smells everything! I just have such an appreciation for it that it might be a little too much. But I refuse to believe I have a problem so I just never acknowledge my addiction to good food. Also, living in Austin, TX creates an even bigger problem because there are amazing restaurants everywhere you turn. 

Today while I was studying at Bennu coffee for my five tests I have this week I decided to buy a slice of pizza. The pizza choices at Bennu are usually AMAZING. So I knew no matter what I chose the slice of pizza would not disappoint. All the slices that are served at Bennu are from Hoboken Pie. 

Hoboken Pie prides themselves by having 99% of their menu items made in house. On their website said, "Hoboken Pie makes 99% of our menu items in house. From roasted vegetable stock for our from scratch sauce to ricotta cheesecake, every item is made with care and the best ingredients available. We purchase unbleached, unbromated flour, nitrate and MSG-free meats from local purveyors, farm-fresh veggies, locally grown tomatoes and whole-milk cheeses to bring you delicious, high-quality pizza, pastas, subs and salads."

Let me tell you what ITS amazing what superb ingredients like this can do for a Pizza! 

Today I ordered the Torres. The Torres is a white pie with roasted garlic olive oil base, fresh Anjou pears, bacon, sundried tomatoes, spinach and gorgonzola cheese. Yes, this may sound like the strangest mix of flavors but there amazing together! 

The taste was electrifying paired with the amazingly thin crust! I couldn't think about anything else in that moment. 

The moral of the story is if you’re looking for some great pizza. Stop by Hoboken Pie or Bennu to get this amazing slice of pizza. 

Think Cash And Planning

Lately, I have been working on "Balling On A Budget." At first I did not know how to successfully go about doing so. All I knew is that I had limited funds and I needed to find a way how to make my money last month to month.

The obstacles that stood in my way were...
1.I am in College
2.I am very involved on campus
3.I have two internships
4.I have a job
When I took in to account all these factors I knew that one thing had to happening PLANNING! LOTS AND LOTS OF PLANNING.

The plan that I developed was to take my Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and two snacks to school everyday. Yes, it's not cute carrying around a huge lunch box; however, it's just something that I needed to do. 

In that first week from taking my meals not only did I save money from not eating out I dropped 4 pounds. I was absolutely amazed with my progress and the amount of money that I saved. It's safe to say that I will continue the trend of taking all meals to school! 

Now what about eating out and local coffee shops you ask?

The key is treat yourself. You need to ask if eating out or that $4 dollar vanilla latte is going to break the bank. If it is don't do it. If you can afford it go ahead. 

So what's this cash part you haven't talked about yet come into play you ask?

Well here you go! What has helped me determine whether or not I can spend the money has been carrying cash! Credit cards are not your friend! I repeat CREDIT CARDS ARE NOT YOUR FRIEND! I encourage anyone and everyone to carry cash. I am a poor college student and only allow myself $20 for every two weeks. (I am aware I am poor...) However, whatever your budget is only take out that much money. If you have spent all the cash you allotted yourself for the week then you know you cant spend any money the rest of the week. It may be hard at first but then it becomes a game. Eventually you will get to the point where you have money left over by the end of the week or two week period. 

So there you have it "Think Cash and Planning"! It's your key to a frugal and financially stable life style. 

Stay fabulous

Priscilla <3